Dave Siever

Dave Siever, C.E.T., graduated from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in 1978 in Telecommunications. In 1980, he accepted a position at the University of Alberta, Faculty of Dentistry, as a design technologist. He conducted research with Dr. Norman Thomas, an internationally recognized specialist in the area of temporo-mandibular dysfunction and myofacial pain. During his employment there, Dave developed equipment for the TMJ research laboratory and the Educational Psychology Department, including TENS stimulators, biofeedback devices, gnathodynamometers, signal processing equipment, and EMG spectral analysis equipment. In 1983, Dave began assistant teaching a dental physiology course at the University of Alberta. In 1987 and 1988, he taught graduate-year courses Advanced Myofacial Pain and TMJ Diagnostic and Treatment Techniques. Dave published a paper with Dr. Norman Thomas on the effects of audio-visual stimulation at the 4th European Congress of Hypnosis in 1987.

From late 1985 to 1987, Dave provided TMJ consulting services to 5 dentists in the Edmonton area. Over the years, Dave has helped treat approximately 1,500 patients with TMJ and MPD. During this time, Dave realized that many TMJ problems were psychologically-related, prompting him to pursue his interest in biofeedback. This led to the inception of the original D.A.V.I.D. 1 in the spring of 1985, which was used in the Faculty of Arts to help acting students overcome stage fright.

In the time since, Dave has continued developing several audio-visual entrainment (AVE), cranio-electro stimulation (CES), transcranial DC Stimulation (tDCS), and biofeedback devices, with each new development responding to technology changes and market demands. Dave still designs new products related to personal growth and well-being.

Dave served for many years as the chair of the Computer Engineering Advisory Council for the NAIT. He's also a member of ASET, ISNR, and AAPB.

Dave travels throughout North America and around the world lecturing to dentists, chiropractors, medical groups, biofeedback and neurofeedback professionals, teachers, and the general public at various conferences about the using these technologies as an alternative method to improved health, accelerated learning, and peace of mind.

Dave has also developed and written a stimulation technologies/entrainment course for the Behavioral Medicine Research and Training Foundation and instructs it along with Dr. Cynthia Kerson. 

Presenting: “Thalamocortical Disconnect, Its Relation to Alzheimer's & Treatment with AVE.”

This lecture examines a unique EEG signature and set of behaviors, which follows the inflammation that follows a traumatic brain injury (TBI), (concussion or pathogenic) and is absent on an MRI. The neuropathic processes that play out following this type of TBI and how they morph into long-term pathology is unique, including its development into Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and CTE. This webinar shows real examples of persons struggling with this condition and the way in which randomized audio-visual entrainment resets this condition and re-establishes brain function.
